Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jamie under 12 Winner!

Last Friday, Jamie went to his guitar competitions in the Pukekohe Baptist Church. He won 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. He also came home with the trophy for beating all the under 12s. Jamie should have been competing against the under 11's because he is only 10 years old.

He wants to be a rock star and win 3 Grammy's!

We know he will, so keep an eye out for Jamie in the future!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ben teaches his Dad!

Yesterday afternoon, I had my Learning Interview with my mum, dad, and my teacher, Ms Clydesdale. My dad was admiring how good my e-folio was for the powerpoint and how I presented it. My dad asked me if I could help him with his powerpoint, for presenting it and making it more exciting for his work.

I thought of these techniques that I learnt off the computer at our school and helped dad with the backgrounds and really good pictures.

My dad said thanks for helping because he would have failed if I didn't help him, because he didn't know what to do. He wants to take me to work, so I can be his right hand man!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Successful Speech Competition!

The final session of Room 11's speech competition was held this morning after morning tea, with our special adjudicators, Rose and Arabella.

Maddy, Sage and Samuel were the top Year 5 speeches, with Ben as reserve. The Year 6 competition was very tough, with Jayden, Phoebe, Briana and Sharon being choosen, and Maygan is the reserve.

We were also lucky that three parents came and enjoyed our speeches. Hopefully, we will have more parents watching next Friday, when we compete against the other Year 5 and Year 6 students .

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Room 11's Persuasive Speech Competiton:

Room 11 is doing their persuasive speech competition today after morning tea, at 11.30am. Our adjudicators are Arabella from Room 19, Rose, and our teacher, Ms Clydesdale.
Charis's speech is about illiteracy and how we can stop it. Brooke is speaking about domestic animals and how you give them lots of attention, and Sharon's speech is about her lovely mother, who sadly passed away.
They advise you to speak nice and clear, and to look at your audience. Brooke said to know what you are talking about, and Charis said to hold your cue cards in one hand and if you get stuck, then you can look at your cue cards.
If you ever have to do a speech, Good Luck!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bottle Rockets this afternoon!

This afternoon we are testing our hypothesise, that we think the bottle rockets will fly best two thirds full. Most of us have our empty PET bottles ready, and Kian is the only one in the class who has fins on his bottle. Kian's hypothesis is that his bottle will be more aerodynamic than the other bottles, therefore, it will fly better.

If you want to try this, please have an adult around you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sullivan's Champions!

Today we went to the Sullivan's Tournament at View Road School in Waiuku. Sullivan's is an inter-school competition for Uni-Hoc and soccer.
We versed Aka Aka, Otaua, View Road 1 and 2, and Waiuku 2 in soccer. Our team won every single game we played, therefore, we assume we won the tournament for soccer.
Out of all our games, the last games was awkward, because we versed our own school and there were no bibs, so we couldn't tell who was who!


We are all doing persuasive speeches for the WPS Speech competition at the end of this term.

Some people are finishing their drafts, others are practising their speeches in front of the class, so that they can become more confident when they speak in front of the syndicate.

Brooke's speech is about domestic animals, because they keep you company when you are alone. Sharon's speech is very sad, because it's about her mum who passed away from breast cancer. Charis is speaking on illiteracy and why it should be stopped, and Samsara is doing Katy Perry. We have a large range of topics in Room 11 this term. Natasha won the speech competition last year for Year 5 and 6 students - Shontelle is hoping to be at the top with her.

Entering e-folio data:

Samsara is entering her data from all the tests we are doing at the moment, into her e-folio for the parent interviews at the end of this term. The whole class is being tested for their scores and they have to enter their data into their e-folios. Our class is doing well and moving up to higher stages and some need a little bit more practise.

Bailey's Spelling Progress:

Bailey moved up four levels in Spelling into Essential List 7. He feels super, super, excellent and his mum is really, really happy.
This morning Bailey was the first one to do his spelling with Ben, so he won his first gold medal. He feels extremely terrific and proud.

Level 8'ers!

Natasha and Jamie scored a Level 8 in the GLOSS test last week. We think that it's spectacular progress and they are awesome! So now they get extension work to add to their brain power.
They ROCK!